Swipe This PROVEN 5-Minute VSL Script Template

Marketing Strategy
April 27, 2023

Hey guys, today we’re doing something a little different -

In this guide, we're going to be breaking down the VSL structure from what I believe to be one of the top performing coaching / service offers in the space.

This is a breakdown of Cole Gordon’s VSL for his appointment setter & closer placement offer.

I’m unsure how much revenue it’s EXACTLY generated but I believe it’s safe to say it’s in 8-Figures.

We’ve worked with Cole’s team in the past at our other company Skup and their training is world class as well as the team so definitely check them out if you’re interested in getting closers or setters for your phone team.

If you need to create a VSL, this structure is a great starting point.

You can also pair this method with our recent breakdown of how we're getting booked calls for under $80 :) 

If you want to watch the VSL: Check it out here

And here’s the optin page.

Go buy his stuff :)

(Then use Roezan to automatically fill your calendar via SMS!)

Editors Note

Clayton chiming in here - I wanted to point out 2 quick important things:

1. The Context

Whatever marketing you're creating, it's vital to understand context in which the viewer is seeing the information, which dramatically will change what you should write about.

This VSL for example is part of a Paid Ad funnel that goes:

Facebook Ad > Landing Page (with email capture) > VSL + Book A Call Button

There is preselling happening via the ad, the landing page is offering a 1 pager to get the opt in.

Additionally there is likely a significant amount of email follow up, SMS follow up, SDR / lead setter follow up here on this funnel... So this VSL does not represent the entirety of what makes this "work".

Remember that every time you create a piece of copy you need to think about the context in which the viewer is seseing the info.

2. The Script / Offer

You'll notice the script below isn't anything extreme. No crazy magic sauce. It's a good formula to follow.

The REAL trick here is the offer. The claim here / the offer is extremely clear and important. If this script doesn't work, it's not because of the structure. It's because the claim / offer aren't good enough.

Check out our article on crafting killer offers here

Ok back to Devin...

Simple 5 Min VSL Structure

Here’s the structure of the VSL broken down, with simple examples in italics.

1. Big Hook / Claim

  • Who it’s for - “If you’re a coach”
  • Big claim - “We can help you skyrocket sales in the next 30 days”
  • Big guarantee - “We’ll give you a full refund if we fail to perform”

2. Elaborate On Claim

  • Break claim into 3 steps (the 3 steps of success with your offer)
  • #1 we will do x - “Install SMS in your biz and get all your leads imported and funnels integrated
  • #2 we will do y - “Help construct the perfect SMS Strategy to plug into what you’re already doing in your business”
  • #3 we will do z - “Write the perfect SMS to engage your audience”

3. Guarantee

  • If you don't get X then Y - “If we fail, we’ll refund your entire purchase”

4. Proof

Note: In this section, don’t talk about the end result, talk about the situation that someone is currently in… The pain they’re in and the transformation that happened. Hit different pain points.

  • Now, how can I make a big promise like this?
  • Look at my track record
  • We’ve worked with people like x y z
  • Helped sally go from x to y
  • Helped jim go from x to y
  • Living proof (look at us, we’re living proof)
  • We talk the talk and walk the walk, not just coaches - (Objection handling here)

5. CTA

  • If that’s all you need to hear, you can book a call below
  • However, if you wanna know the ONE REASON why this works so well - “If you wanna know why SMS works so well in 2023, I’m going to tell you the single reason why”

6. Mechanism

Note: The Mechanism is the unique way that you deliver the result. This is your chance to describe why this is different.

  • Why is our method different, unique, superior, new & better than what they’ve tried before
  • VS competitor
  • VS doing it yourself

7. CTA

  • Book The Demo
  • Get X When Booking - Can be case studies

8. Closing CTA

  • Click the link below

Example Full Script (For Roezan)

Hopefully all of that makes sense!

What I’d like to do now is show you an example of a VSL I’ve written for Roezan using this framework so you can REALLY see it in practice:

Begin VSL Script:

“If you’re a coach or course creator making 6-Figures per month we can help you add another 6-Figures to your business by plugging in SMS to your already existing funnels or else we’ll refund every single dollar you pay us.

First thing we’ll do is examine and identify easy wins where we can plug SMS into your existing sales funnels.

Then we’ll construct the perfect SMS strategy so you can get more revenue from those existing funnels with almost no extra work.

And then we’ll work with you to write and implement SMS so you can start seeing results within the next two weeks.

And if we don’t at least DOUBLE the amount of money you spend with us in the first 30 days after implementing we’ll refund every cent and keep working with you until you do.

How can we make a promise like this?

Because we’ve already helped people like Stephen Somers generate 300K with a single webinar campaign after constructing his SMS strategy & helping him implement it over the course of a week.

Or how we increased another 8-Figure marketer Scott Phillips webinar attendance by over 50% by simply plugging in our Custom Zoom SMS integration which required literally no work on his part other than hooking his Zoom account up to Roezan.

And the truth is Roezan wasn’t built just so we can sell SMS marketing software. We built it because we had these needs in our other business Skup. 

We are successful and know how to easily and quickly help other coaching businesses implement this because we’re literally testing and doing this every single day in our own business.

If you know you want us to implement this in your business and increase your revenue in the next 30 days you can just click the link below to book a call with us.

However, if you want to know the ONE REASON SMS works so well in 2023 especially for coaches and course creators in 2023… Keep listening

You see in 2020 the entire world changed, people were forced to stay at home and their attention spans were entirely ruined.

They signed up for thousands of email lists...

They got addicted to TikTok, Reels, HBO, Netflix, Uber Eats, Amazon Prime and lost as much as 90% of their attention span...

Why is this important? Because it means it’s more difficult than ever to get someone’s attention and keep it.

Emails are going ignored, webinars aren’t being watched, YouTubers have to cut their scenes every 3 seconds just to keep a viewers attention.

If you want your customers to see your message, you need to communicate with them in a way that other business owners aren't.

You need to communicate them in the way they are used to and WANT TO communicate:

Text messages

We call this the attention economy. 

Before you can make a monetary trade, you need to make an attention trade.

You need to get in front of people and get their attention.

And with a 99% open rate… there’s no better way than SMS.

And sure there are other SMS providers… But we’re the only ones who are actively using this as coaches and actively building the BEST platform for coaches currently.

So if you want us to implement this in your business, and you want to as much as double your monthly revenue in the next 30 days or your money back...

Click here to book a call with our team so we can plug SMS into your business for you.

[Insert Stephen Somers testimonial video]

[Insert William Brown testimonial video]

The choice is yours, you can keep doing the same kind of marketing tactics you are now and watch as the returns slowly deteriorate month after month.

Or you can click here, book a call with our team and let us implement SMS into your business for you so you can get the results in your business you deserve”

End VSL Script


So, that is a breakdown of Cole Gordon’s VSL format, and an example VSL I wrote using it :) 

I hope this is beneficial to you and your business.

And don’t forget, everything I said above about Roezan is true and we can help you skyrocket your revenue just by plugging SMS into your existing campaigns.

If you want to give it a try and have us help you set it up, click here and start your free trial

Devin Zander
